Top 10 Paddling Safety Tips

June 24, 2024

Note: This content was originally published on June 30, 2021. To view that post, click here. As a certified canoe and kayak instructor for the Iowa DNR, I have seen it all. People buy their first boat and head to the river before understanding the environment they are about…

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We Are Just In Between Swims

June 27, 2023

That title is accurate. We are all in between swims. It’s only a matter of time before we misjudge while reading a river, we lose our balance while leaning the wrong direction or maybe we cross an eddyline and are not ready for the current and next thing you know,…

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Todd’s Top Ten: Paddling Safety Tips

June 30, 2021

As a certified canoe and kayak instructor for the Iowa DNR, I have seen it all. People buy their first boat and head to the river before understanding the environment they are about to enter and without the skills they need to remain safe and anxiety-free. Here are “Todd’s Top…

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