Last Hurrah on the Water Before Fall

August 14, 2023

Summer’s swan song is approaching faster than any of us would like, but that doesn’t mean that we must close the books on outdoor adventures. In fact, the next month or two are some of our favorite times to get out on the water, when the weather is not too…

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Stewarding Our Waterways Through Iowa Project AWARE

April 22, 2022

Over the last few years, I have had the honor of participating as staff for Iowa Project AWARE. I sift through all of the trash that volunteers find in the river — glass, plastic, metal, tires and the odd assortment of unusual items. I also have the pleasure of…

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Vamos a Pescar Grants Help Engage Hispanic Communities in Fishing

November 29, 2021

Fishing is a fun activity that the entire family can enjoy together, from kids to grandparents. It’s a wonderful way to get back to what’s important. Participation in fishing also helps fund fishery management so our lakes and rivers have robust fisheries. The Des Moines River in Downtown Des Moines…

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