Hello, River: Connecting Conservation & Culture

May 13, 2024

Note: This post was originally published on the Greater Des Moines Partnership’s blog on May 13, 2024.  Since the beginning of time, art has been used to teach and spark conversations about the world around us. Visually representing sometimes complex concepts through illustration, performance or sculpture can…

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One Year Later: Principal Point Groundbreaking

April 26, 2024

On April 27, 2023, ICON Water Trails and its partners broke ground on the future Scott Avenue site, Principal Point. The event was the culmination of a significant milestone in the lifeline of the project and allowed ICON and its stakeholders to celebrate the commencement of its future downtown run.

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Watch: ICON Water Trails Regional Economic Impact Study Unveiling

March 13, 2024

Earlier this year, ICON Water Trails announced the completion of its regional economic impact study, a collection of findings capturing user behavior during a six-month recreational season in 2022. The highlights of the study tell a promising narrative, demonstrating the proven efficacy of ICON Water Trails in regard to economic…

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2023 Year in Review

January 10, 2024

As we close out another year of ICON Water Trails, we are incredibly grateful to you for your continued support. Together, with our partners, volunteers, and donors, we’ve met several tremendous milestones, and we’re just getting started! Take a look below at some of this year’s highlights. ORGANIZATION HIGHLIGHTS Project…

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Downtown Project Update

November 16, 2023

As ICON Water Trails prepares to close out another productive year connecting water, communities, and people, we wanted to provide an update on the much-anticipated downtown portion of the project. Earlier this year, we broke ground on Principal Point at the Scott Avenue dam, marking the official…

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Last Hurrah on the Water Before Fall

August 14, 2023

Summer’s swan song is approaching faster than any of us would like, but that doesn’t mean that we must close the books on outdoor adventures. In fact, the next month or two are some of our favorite times to get out on the water, when the weather is not too…

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It’s Actually Groundbreaking!

April 27, 2023

On April 27, 2023, ICON Water Trails and its partners broke ground on the future Scott Avenue site, Principal Point. The event was the culmination of a significant milestone in the lifeline of the project and allowed ICON and its stakeholders to celebrate the commencement of its future downtown run.

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An Update on the ICON Downtown Run

March 30, 2023

As ICON’s project manager, it’s my responsibility to oversee ICON’s current downtown projects. These consist of the dam mitigations at Scott Avenue and Fleur Drive and the regional park improvements at Birdland Marina, Prospect Park, and Harriet Street. ICON’s downtown run has a major milestone ahead as we prepare…

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Stewarding Our Waterways Through Iowa Project AWARE

April 22, 2022

Over the last few years, I have had the honor of participating as staff for Iowa Project AWARE. I sift through all of the trash that volunteers find in the river — glass, plastic, metal, tires and the odd assortment of unusual items. I also have the pleasure of…

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Breaking Ground: An Updated Timeline for ICON’s Downtown Sites

February 28, 2022

For all of ICON’s existence, its downtown run has only been hypothetical. While many regional sites already exist and are ready for recreators, the vision for the rivers at the heart of Des Moines has yet to be fully realized. With groundbreaking at several locations on the horizon and…

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